
We Love You

Knights of Columbus

Knights of Columbus
Grand Knight, 2007-2009

Glacier National Park

Glacier National Park
Live each day...

I’m with you when you greet each day
And while the sun shines bright,
I’m there to share the sunsets too…
I’m with you every night.

I’m with you when the times are good,
To share a laugh or two.
And if tears start to fall…
I’ll still be there for you.

And when that day arrives
That we no longer are apart,
I’ll smile and hold you close to me…
Forever in my heart…

Note from Jenn:

I have posted Father Perry's homily, and all of the memories that I shared at the funeral; however, rather than posting them in reverse order, as I should have, I posted them in the order that they were read. To read them chronologically, read from the bottom, up.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Mom's Tribute to Michael

Every mom has at least one story to tell about her kids. This mom is no exception, and of course with a son like Michael, there are many. Most of them involve his sisters also. Michael’s sister Holly didn’t start talking until she was almost 18 months old. If she wanted a drink of water, a cookie, or whatever it might be, she would point wordlessly. In order to encourage her to talk, we would suggest different things she might want and not give it to her until she said the word. Frustrated, she usually left the room, back to Michael’s bedroom where all the interesting toys were. Soon, Michael would come out and say “Holly wants a drink of water,” or “Holly would like a cookie.” In their baby language, she talked to him long before she talked to the rest of us.

When we announced to Michael and Holly the impending arrival of a baby at our house, Michael immediately decided it would be nice to have a little brother to teach how to play football or basketball. However, that “brother” turned out to be another “sister,” but he was OK with that too. His reasoning was that if one sister thought he was her hero, how could another sister think anything different.

When he was about four years old, he found an imaginary friend he called “Tim.” On particularly challenging days with his mother, he would announce that he needed to go to Tim’s house for awhile, but he would send Tim to our house. He would walk out one door and soon the other door bell would ring. There would be “Tim” asking if he could come in to look at Michael’s toys, see what his room looked like, visit with Michael’s mom and sister. After 15 to 30 minutes of this, Tim was ready to return to his house and let Michael come back to our home.

Years later when Jenn was trying to decide how to name her baby son after Michael, without actually taking away the name from any son Michael and Tinalynne might have, the name Timothy Michael was chosen for this little boy who is Michael’s god-child and shares so many of the same characteristics and mischievousness. Michael, we will miss you, but you will live on in our hearts.

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